Our cats may be quiet, but our websites are loud! Making BIG impressions with stunning visuals will ensure you take your place in history. Like the legends of yore, you'll be unforgettable.
When it comes to programming, we're purr-fectionists. We won't stop until your site is running as fast as the laws of physics allow. Even light will seem slow from where you're sitting.
Cat's got your tongue? Don't worry, we've got your back. You have a lot to say, and we'll help you find your voice to say it. Just wait and see, you'll be on every best sellers list in no time flat.
Our PAWsome
Crafting unique, cat approved websites is our passion. As inspiration we often look to our very own naughty cat. We strive to channel his natural curiosity, and when we do, who knows what we'll discover!
Why Naughty Cat?
As a family owned business ourselves, we believe in helping local businesses, and more than anything, we want to help you succeed.
Dare to be different. It's easy to do the same as everyone else, but you're unique. And your website should be too! We'll make sure we've captured your essence in every pixel of your new digital home. You're the cat's meow; never stop being you.
You're busy, like really busy. So, to help out, we’ve streamlined the entire process to make getting a new website as convenient as possible. From design to development to content, let us do the heavy lifting, while you take a cat nap.
These days, sorting out what's real and what's not can sometimes feel next to impossible. That's why we're dedicated to keeping things clear, simple, and free of surprises. Schrodinger's cat is the one cat you won't find in our office.
Our Pricing
Pick and choose what you value most and we’ll put together all the pieces.
*Pss Pss, are you a nonprofit? We want to help you help the world. Free consulting to nonprofits and a 50% discount on your first project with us.
See what our clients are
purring about
This is why we do what we do.
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Meet the cats behind the magic.
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You’ve come this far. Why not say hello?
(715) 440-4722